We are demolishing our older house and building a new modern house. Our old fence won't look that good with a modern house, so we are searching for a sleek, modern fence to complement the new house. It's quite fun to shop for the new house and see how the different fence styles might look with the new house. This blog has some inspiration for other home owners looking to get a new fence installed. We have a range of materials, styles and fencing techniques on display on this blog. I hope you will find it useful when looking for a new fence.
A good fence can make your property more secure as it helps to keep out intruders and may also block the view of your property for potential intruders. However, not all fences are alike when it comes to security features, and simply installing a cheap fence isn't going to necessarily add protection to your property. Note a few tips for making your property's fencing more secure overall, either for a residential property or a commercial space.
Smaller, sturdier mesh
If you opt for chain link fencing, consider the smallest mesh possible. This will help to keep your property private so that a potential intruder cannot keep track of when people are on the property, or make note of your alarm systems and the like. A smaller mesh also means less of a toehold for those who may want to climb the fence, and it makes it harder to cut the fence with a pair of bolt cutters. You might also check the gauge of a fence wiring; the smaller the gauge, the thicker the wiring and the tougher it is to cut. Invest in the thickest gauge you can afford for maximum security from your fence.
Top of the fence
While considering the overall look and design of a new fence, don't ignore the top of it. The top of your fence may do more to deter intruders than the actual fence itself. For a wrought iron fence made of bars, invest in pointed finials. These can be very difficult and downright painful for someone to try to climb over or around. For a chain link fence, you might choose one that is very tall and then add a row or two of barbed wire. If you don't like the industrial look of curved barbed wire, you can opt for posts that extend at the top, past the body of the fence itself, and which hold straight rows of barbed wire. This can make the fence seem less imposing while still adding security.
It does no good to have a secure fence and then opt for a cheap gate that can easily be forced open. Look for stainless steel hinges that cannot be easily pried open. The gate should also have a lock that works with a key and not just a latch; remember that a padlock is relatively easy to cut with a pair of tin snips, so choose a gate with a keyed lock instead of assuming you can add a lock yourself.
Share24 August 2016